Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Quick thoughts

Right now. At this very moment. I know the following to be true: (along with so many other things but most importantly these things...)

-I had a great weekend: hanging out friday, frisbee on saturday and more hanging out/halo with the boys, ms walk on sunday morning followed by an m's game

-I went to the last three M's home games (1-2) and had a blast

-I saw
Jon Brockman at Monday's game...talked to him for a bit which was cool...very chill dude

-I've spent over 5.5 hours over the past two days meeting with potential employers

-How I Met Your Mother is a great show

-I'm about 95% sure I'm going to New York and Chicago this summer to watch baseball and visit some old friends in the latter -I don't want to make a career out of mortgage lending

-Come my birthday I think I'm going to end the Year of Sobriety challenge...its not that I can't make it a whole year, but if I'm going to WRIGLEY FIELD and Yankee Stadium and Shea Stadium this year (and this will be the first and last time I go to Yankee Stadium bc the Yankees are evil and the stadium is being torn down after this season) I want to be able to enjoy it to the having a hot dog and a beer with my college roommate (at least in new york)...and then if I'm spending my birthday (well two days after) at the M's game with the boys...I want to enjoy that to the fullest too and have a birthday beer with the boys as we cheer on the M's...totally -Being single sucks...I either want to start seriously going out often on dates with different women...or the same one if she's the right fit...bc ultimately I want one of those dates to lead me to the woman of my dreams

That's a wrap.

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