Monday, April 21, 2008

Boeing = getting paid = being awesome this summer

So I have eight days of work left here with WaMu. Two M's games, a paycheck & a bonus/incentive check will help ease the pain...HA HA. I just want to know when I get my severance check & my vacation pay out. Unfortunately I also need to secure a new job, preferably with that I can make bank. Or at least more than I make now, which really isn't that much for having a four year degree, so that my plans for summer awesomeness can happen...and not put me back in credit card debt :)

I went and saw 21 last night. Fun movie. Not outstanding, but definitely makes you want to go to Vegas, even if you've never been before or if you've been within the last few months. As I was leaving the theater with my roommate I asked him if he wanted to make the Vegas trip in July (which we'd already agreed to) our second trip to Vegas this year. WHAT!?! Yea...that'd mean we would go in the next 30-50 days, and then go again in July. I mean...why not? Vegas rules. Throw in that my roommate's never gone before, and that this is the summer of awesomeness and "life experiences"...then there's no way to turn it down.

Next step is to get another guy on board...or two girls. I think these are the best two options when two guys are already either bring on a third guy to rock it bachelor style (has to be another single dude tho) or find the right two ladies (fun, easy going, like to party and let loose) to pair up with the two guys.

Our first idea was an old college roommate of mine, who would be perfect for the third guy even though he's not single...well at least I thought he wasn't. I run the idea by him in a text message and he replies back with this (summary) "sounds great, but I got in a drunk fight with my girlfriend recently and got arrested for DV (domestic violence)...I didn't hit her or anything but I have to go to court in early May and I'm not sure what will come of it." WOW! I hadn't talked to him in awhile so to get that kind of news just blew my mind. Hopefully it will all work out well for both of them, and he will be able to come with us...because he and I together (OMG especially in Vegas) would be out of control...but in a good way.

Scenario two involves my roommate being significantly more proactive with the ladies than he's accustomed to. A good friend's sister has shown interest in seeing him, but whether its "hey we had fun that one time so we should be friends and hang out" or "hey we had fun that one time and we should totally date" is very much still up in the air. He thinks there's more of the latter going on, but when it comes to the ladies (sorry dude you know I love you) he's more like Mr. Magoo than Mr. Smooth Operator. I am hopeful on this though, because if he's right I think he can convince her and her fun friend (at least according to him) to party with us in Vegas.

So my summer is looking like this right now:
-Memorial Day weekend: camping with the all the guys for my buddy's bachelor party
-early June: my 25th birthday (craziness) & an M's game with the guys
-somewhere around here: Vegas trip #1
-late June: trip to NYC with college roommate to attend Yankees & Mets game
-early to mid July: trip to Chicago to visit friends and go to first Cubs game
-mid to late July: Vegas trip #2
-late July: good friends' wedding in Oregon
-late August: roommate's 25th birthday
-all the while attending at least one game for every home series the M's play @ Safeco (so far I'm 3 for 3, soon to be 5 for 5 after this week)

This is going to be one hell of a summer...and one giant pain in the ass to plan and coordinate so it all happens...bring it on!

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